Saturday, 11 February 2017

Part 7: The End of World Empires.

Continued from previous post:

Now we move on to the legs of iron portion of the prophecy:  Rome.  Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar that the fourth kingdom would be as strong as iron and would crush and shatter all that came before it.  This is a good description of the Roman Empire.

There are debates as to the exact beginning of the Roman Empire.  This is due to the fact that the rise of Rome seems to be almost accidental.  Rome did not start out with a conscience plan to conquer other nations and begin its own empire; it actually started to expand through reactionary events.  When it perceived a threat of any kind by an outside force, Rome would rally the troops and march into battle.  In the middle of the second century BCE Rome squashed a threat from Macedonia and it became the first of the Greek provinces divided after Alexander’s death to come under the rule of the Roman Empire.
No two scholars can agree on what exactly caused the end of the Roman Empire, and that is probably because no one thing is to blame. Some of the theories given for its fall: an undisciplined army, civil wars, barbarian invasions, over extension, political infighting, laziness, etc.  What matters to us is the fact that the Roman Empire had collapsed by the end of the fifth century CE and is no more.

This leads us to the feet part of the statue where iron is mixed with clay, or where nations are no longer ruled by one World Empire but are a mixture of strong and weak nations.  Never again would a human world empire exist.  That does not mean people have stopped trying.  Napoleon tried to create a French Empire but failed, and Hitler tried to create a Third Reich that would last a thousand years, but he too failed.

People have even tried to unite countries through marriage.  A royal from a one country would marry a another royal from another country in an attempt to unify, but it always failed.  As late as World War I we saw the failure of these intermarriage attempts in that the Russian, German and British monarchies were all related but were at war anyway.  God told Daniel there would not be a human world empire after Rome and no matter how hard people have tried, this prophecy has held true.
The rock that pulverized the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream smashes first into the feet of the statue, signifying the establishment of Jesus’ kingdom will occur sometime after world empires have ceased to exist and the world is divided into different nations.  It is fitting that God used a rock to signify his kingdom as the Bible has often referred to God as a Rock of Salvation (Deut. 32:15), an everlasting Rock (Is. 26:4), a Rock, a fortress and a deliverer (Ps. 18:2), a Rock and a Redeemer (Ps. 19:14), etc.

“’...Is there any God besides Me?
Or is there any other Rock?
I know of none’ “  Is. 44: 8
This timeline of world history was so important that God repeated it three times and in each of them God added a little more detail.  In Daniel Chapter 7, while Daniel was still living under the Babylonian Empire, God gave him a dream.  

Friday, 10 February 2017

Part 6: Daniel Explains the King's Dream.

Now we must ask ourselves how history has played out and if Daniel’s interpretation of the dream was correct.  He told king Nebuchadnezzar that he was the head of gold, but Daniel did not name the other kingdoms by name.  Looking back we know what the kingdoms were.





Breast and Arms


Belly and Thighs





Iron and Clay

Weak and Strong Nations

And the stone that pulverized the statue represents Jesus setting up his kingdom and ruling for eternity.
The Babylonian Empire was the largest reigning force in the world at the time Nebuchadnezzar had his dream.  It was well represented by gold, as it was a rich and lush empire.  In fact, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

 But in the year 539 BCE, 66 years after Daniel had been taken captive from his homeland of Judah, the Medo-Persian army conquered Babylon and the Persian Empire entered the world stage.  Eventually the Medes would fade and the Persians would strengthen, causing the Medo-Persian Empire to become simply the Persian Empire. 

The Greeks were a pain in the neck for the Persians.  First, the Greek cities of Ionia rebelled against Persia but they were defeated.  Then, as retribution for the rebellion, Xerxes decides to overtake Greece itself. 
You have probably seen movies or heard about the 300 Spartans and other Greek warriors fighting against the Persian king Xerxes at the pass of Thermopolae.  This battle took place in 480 BCE while the Persian Empire was extremely strong.  The Greeks lost the battle at Thermopolae but they eventually stopped the Persians at the navel battle of Salamis and forced Xerxes to withdraw from Greece.  This was not the end of the Greek/Persian story as Greece was to be the ruin of the Persian Empire.

Phillip of Macedonia would be the first to unite the City States of Greece under one ruler. After he Philip died, his son Alexander would solidify the allegiances of the lesser kings in Greece and in 334 BCE he took his armies into Asia Minor to fight against Darius and his Persian Empire.  In just three years Alexander the Great had defeated the Persians and Greece was now the world’s largest empire.  In 323 BCE at the age of 33, Alexander died and his empire was divided among his Generals.  
 Now we move on to the legs of iron portion of the prophecy:  Rome.  Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar that the fourth kingdom would be as strong as iron and would crush and shatter all that came before it.  This is a good description of the Roman Empire. 

There are debates as to the exact beginning of the Roman Empire.  This is due to the fact that the rise of Rome seems to be almost accidental.  Rome did not start out with a conscience plan to conquer other nations and begin its own empire; it actually started to expand through reactionary events.  When it perceived a threat of any kind by an outside force, Rome would rally the troops and march into battle.  In the middle of the second century BCE Rome squashed a threat from Macedonia and it became the first of the Greek provinces divided after Alexander’s death to come under the rule of the Roman Empire.


Thursday, 9 February 2017

Part 5: The King has A Dream.

In Daniel Chapter 2, we are told of an important event that will show how accurate Bible prophecy is.  One night king Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that really upset him but he could not remember it.  He called all his wise men and asked them to tell him the dream and what it meant, but they could not.  Word got around the palace that the king was furious and had decreed that all the wise men should be killed.  When Daniel heard this he went to the king and asked for time to learn what the dream was and what it meant.  The king granted his request and Daniel got with his friends for an urgent prayer meeting. 
 That night God revealed to Daniel what the dream was and the next day he was taken to the king and told him everything.

“You, O king, were looking and behold, there was a single great statue; that statue, which was large and of extraordinary splendor, was standing in front of you, and its appearance was awesome.  The head of that statue was made of fine gold, its breast and its arms of silver, its belly and its thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of clay.  You continued looking until a stone was cut out without hands, and it struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and crushed them.  Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were crushed all at the same time and became like chaff from the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away so that not a trace of them was found.  But the stone that struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.” Daniel 2:31-35

 Read'n Grow Picture Bible Illustrations (Biblical illustrations by Jim Padgett, courtesy of Sweet Publishing, Ft. Worth, TX, and Gospel Light, Ventura, CA. Copyright 1984.)
The king had dreamed of a statue made of different kinds of materials.  The head was gold, the breast and arms were silver, the belly and thighs were bronze, the legs were iron, and the feet were a mixture of iron and clay.  But in the dream a stone came flying at the statue’s feet and pulverized the entire statue.  Then the stone itself grew to be a huge mountain, so big that it filled the entire earth. 
 Daniel explained that each of the parts of the statue represented different kingdoms that would rule the world. 
“You are the head of gold.  After you there will arise another kingdom inferior to you, then another third kingdom of bronze, which will rule over all the earth.  Then there will be a fourth kingdom as strong as iron; inasmuch as iron crushes and shatters all things, so, like iron that breaks in pieces, it will crush and break all these in pieces.  In that you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, it will be a divided kingdom; but it will have in it the toughness of iron, inasmuch as you saw the iron mixed with common clay.  As the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of pottery, so some of the kingdom will be strong and part of it will be brittle.  And in that you saw the iron mixed with common clay, they will combine with one another in the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, even as iron does not combine with pottery.  In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed, and that kingdom will not be left for another people; it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, but it will itself endure forever.  Inasmuch as you saw that a stone was cut out of the mountain without hands and that it crushed the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver and the gold, the great God has made known to the king what will take place in the future…” Daniel 2:38-45

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Part 4 of, The End is Near. The Two Kingdoms of Israel.

Continued from previous posts:
“The past causes the present, and so the future.  Any time we try to know why something happened…we have to look for factors that took shape earlier.” (1)
We start this story way back in the 13th Century BCE when God brought the Hebrews out of slavery in Egypt and gave them their own land. 
 God offered them a deal; God would take care of the Hebrews if they would serve him.  The Hebrews agreed, they entered the Promised Land, and all went well for a while. 

 But as time passed, the Hebrews split into two different kingdoms and both began to ignore their side of the bargain they had made with God.
Northern Kingdom: Israel           Southern Kingdom: Judah  
The people began worshiping other gods and sacrificing their children to these Gods. God used prophets to beg the people to return to him but that did not work.  So then God sent warnings, saying if they did not keep their side of the deal, he would be forced to withdraw his protection and, in effect, punish them.

Sometimes a good king would come to power that would listen and lead the people back to worshiping God, but that did not happen often and, when it did happen, it did not last long.  The Northern half of the split Hebrew kingdom was the worst, and evil king after evil king ignored God’s pleadings and warnings.  God finally withdrew his protection and, in the year 722 BCE, the Assyrian army invaded, killing and taking prisoners, virtually wiping out the entire Northern kingdom.

But the Southern kingdom had not yet reached the end of its probation, if you will.  For the most part, the people remained rebellious but God continued to plead with them and warn them until finally, more than a century after the Northern kingdom fell, he had to give up on the Southern kingdom.  By this time the Assyrian kingdom was no longer the big dog in the area…Babylon had become the world’s dominant empire and was swallowing up country after country.

            In Judah, the Southern kingdom of Israel, an evil king named Jehoiakim rose to the throne in the capitol city of Jerusalem.  Little did he know what was going to happen during his short reign…God was fed up with Judah and had withdrawn his protection.  During the third year of Jehoiakim’s turn as king, king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon marched his army into Judah and conquered the entire country.

Good people often get caught up in bad things, and not all of Judah had abandoned the worship of God.  A young man named Daniel, and several of his friends, were faithful servants of God but, when Judah fell to Nebuchadnezzar, they were caught up in the fray and taken as prisoners to the capitol city of Babylon.  Here Daniel found favor with those in power and was assigned to work in the palace. 

Monday, 6 February 2017

Part 2 - The Book of Daniel Explained.

Continued from previous post:
But Jesus said that famine, earthquakes and the escalation of war was not yet the end, it was only the beginning of the birth pangs.  Birth pangs?  What does a woman in labor have to do with anything?

Labor can be long and painful; just ask any mother and she will tell you that the beginning of labor pains is only the start of the birthing process.  Jesus used this familiar analogy to make the point that famines, earthquakes, and the escalation of war in the end time were only the first signs; this is only the start of the painful end to the world.
We have looked at only one quote from the Bible describing what will happen as the world begins to enter the closing chapters of its long saga.  Here is another. 
“… until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase.”  
Daniel 12:2

When you think of someone going ‘back and forth’, you imagine someone going to one place, then to another, then back to the first place, then back to the other.  Or perhaps you think of two people having a conversation about something where one person speaks, then the other, then the first speaks again, and then the other. 
But why is this ‘back and forth’ significant to the end of time?  People have always traveled and communicated so what is different at the end of time as compared to the rest of history?  Speed!  We do not have to walk or ride a horse to get from here to there; we can now drive or fly and get to our destination quickly.  And we are not limited to writing a letter or traveling long distances to speak face to face, we can use the telephone or email and communicate instantly.

The last part of the verse we are looking at talks about knowledge increasing.  Well, the fact is that the past century has seen more advances in science and technology than all the advances made in the previous two thousand years.  Here is something Robert Brown, a dean at the University of North Carolina, said: “It's estimated that medical knowledge, for example, doubles every seven years, and scientific knowledge doubles every twenty years. The total written knowledge in the world is said to have doubled between 1450 and 1750, and then to have doubled again between 1750 and 1900. Between 1900 and 1950, human knowledge doubled once more, and then again from 1950 to 1975. Now, it is believed to double every 900 days. By the year 2020, global knowledge is predicted to double every 72 days!” (7)

Since the beginning of the Iron Age, knowledge grew slowly and
there was little change in speed of travel and communication…In the past 100 years knowledge, and the speed of travel and communication, has exploded…

Here is another verse.
“This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.”  Matt. 24: 14

What this verse is saying is that once the entire world has heard the gospel of Jesus Christ, we need to perk up and pay attention because the end of the world is right around the corner.  So, how close are we to getting the word out to everyone on this planet?  About 17 years ago The Almanac of the Christian World said there were Christians and churches in every country of the world: 4 billion of the 6.5 billion people in the world had heard the gospel, and 50 million Bibles and 80 million New Testaments were being distributed every year. (8)

In 1995 it was estimated that at least parts of the Bible had been translated into 2,092 different languages, and that the Bible or parts of it are available to roughly 98% of the world’s population. (9)  I would say we are getting close to seeing that verse fulfilled.


Sunday, 5 February 2017

The Book of Daniel Explained.

This book was written by my sister, Elizabeth James. It was published in 2008. I am going to post her book here on my blog, in what I hope is small doses, in the hope whoever reads it will be warned of what is to come in the closing days of Earth's history.  
I know there are many interpretations of the book of Daniel and Revelation. The way to know which one is true is to watch and see if the world events unfold according to the interpretation.
Chapter 1

A few years ago I saw a bumper sticker that made me laugh out loud, and every time I think about it I laugh again.  It says, “Where am I going, and why am I in this hand basket?”  This pretty much sums up the state of this world today; it seems to be going to hell in a hand basket.  

But is this true?  Well, for millions of us alive today, especially those of us living in industrialized nations, our standard of living and our quality of life is better than at any time in history.  
Medicine has made advances at an exponential rate over the past century, finding cures for much of what used to contribute to shorter life spans. We can communicate with each other instantly by telephone or email, and visually through satellite feeds or from our homes via the Internet.  And we can get from place to place faster than ever.

So why do many of us often feel as though the world is doomed?  Could it be because it IS doomed and we know it?  Or are we simply running around like Chicken Little, screaming that the sky is falling?

    The Bible has a lot to say about the end time of this world, so perhaps we should find out if we are living in the end time or if we are just worrying for no reason.

“You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars.  See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end.  For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes.  But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs.”  
Matt. 24:6-8

Most Bible scholars agree that what Jesus said here in Matthew Chapter 24 applies both to what happened on a small scale - the fall of the city of Jerusalem in the year 70 CE (see Appendix 1) - and what will happen on a large scale to the world at the end time.  So let’s look at how this applies to our world today.
There have always been wars, so what is so special about stating the obvious?  Well, yes, there have always been wars, but not on the scale we have seen in the past century.

In the past, wars were not global events involving millions of people.  Both World War I and World War II are so named because much of the world was involved.  That had never happened before in history, and yet it happened twice in less than 30 years.  In World War II alone, about 93 million soldiers were fighting on both sides and about 22 million of them were killed.  But amazingly, over 30 million civilians died during that war! (1)  Some estimates put the total death count from World War II at over 60 million!  And wars have continued around the globe.  In 1993, the Associated Press reported that another 23 million plus people have died in various wars since 1945. (2)

In part of that verse we looked at in Matthew 24, Jesus also said there would be famines and earthquakes.  There have always been famines and earthquakes so that is not such a big prophetic remark, is it?  Well, we have seen that the world has become involved in bigger and bloodier wars lately, so have there been more and worse famines and earthquakes lately as well?

In 1996 it was reported that 800 million people go hungry every day, and that “Some 40,000 hunger-related deaths occur every day…” (3)  Did you know that 2000 years ago, when Jesus was walking the Earth, there were only about 300 million people alive on the whole planet? (4)  This means that even if every person on the planet in Jesus’ time were hungry, it still would not come close to the problem we have today.

Okay, famines are worse nowadays.  What about earthquakes?  Between the years 1000 and 1800 there were only 21 major earthquakes. Eight hundred years and only 21 major earthquakes does not seem so bad.  But between 1800 and 1900 there were 18…almost as many earthquakes but in only one-eighth the time span.  Between 1900 and 1950 the number grew to 33.  Thirty-three major earthquakes in only 50 years?  Ouch!  And then  there were 93 major earthquakes between the years 1950 and 1991. (5)  Wow!  More and more major earthquakes are occurring all the time. 

But what about right now?  What has happened in the past 15 years or so?  Well, according to the United States Geological Survey, the world has seen 15 monster earthquakes measuring over 8.0 on the Richter scale (see Appendix 1) between 1991 and 2006!  In that same time period there have been 240 earthquakes measuring between 7.0 and 7.9 on the Richter scale. (6)  I would say that Jesus is 3 for 3 on his prophecy about wars, famines and earthquakes.

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Church & State in the U.S.A.

Many years ago, I received a phone call from my sister, Liz. She lived in Nevada and I live in Canada. She told me she thought God had asked her to do something, but she wasn't positive it was him. I asked her what it was.

Liz told me she didn't want to tell me. She was asking God for guidance and asked me to pray about what she should do. I said I would be glad to pray about it.

That night, I had a dream. I was in my living room and there was an open book laying on my coffee table. I looked at it closely and could see pictures in it. They were pictures of the images of the book of Daniel. I realized it was a book about the end times.

I picked up the book and felt God wanted me to give it to our next-door neighbor. So, I went over and gave it to her. I woke up.

I called my sister the next day and told her my dream. She told me that she had thought God had asked her to write a book about Daniel and Revelation and the last days of earth's history. We were happy the Lord opened this up to me as it was in agreement with what she had heard.

She wrote the book and we gave it away and sold some online. E-books started being popular so she put her book on and that is where it is now as an ebook or a soft cover. I also gave one to my next door neighbor since God showed me that in the dream. She looked at me like I was nuts, but that's okay. She is already a Christian, but of a different church than the one I went to.

Now, what does this have to do with Church & State? Well, in Revelation, we believe it prophesies about a major Christian power that will unite church and state. This power will persecute those who don't believe what they say. They will pass laws and whoever does not obey their laws will not be able to buy or sell. They will make an "image to the beast," which will be a national Sunday Law. Those who go along with this law will receive the mark of the beast.

Because the United States government is now taking steps to unite church & state, I felt very strongly to put my sister's book on my blog to warn people of what is to come. I'm pretty sure many people who follow my blog will quit following, but that is not important to me. What is important is that I warn people, so when they see it happening, they will know that a Sunday Law is not from the Lord.

This is an excerpt from my sister's book. I plan to begin copying her book and putting pages of it on my blog. Remember the Book of Revelation means a "revealing."  It is not hidden, for God wants us prepared for what is to come.

I love the cover. My sister and I have the same sense of humor.

The End Is Near!

"Of the United States, Revelation 13:12 says, “He exercises all the authority of the first beast (Rome, Catholicism) in his presence.  And he makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose fatal would was healed.”  Just as the Pope and the Catholic Church used to exercise political and religious authority over the Western world before its deadly wound in 1798, so the United States will exercise its political and religious authority over the Western world, uniting with Catholicism and giving back to the Pope the power his position once wielded. 

The Image of the Beast

            When you look in a mirror you see a reflection of yourself.  It is not you, but it looks just like you and it mirrors any movement you make.  Well, the beast was a political and religious power that ruled the Western world for centuries, and an image to this beast will have the same traits without being the exact same entity.  

Instead of being solely the Catholic Church with the Pope wielding religious and political power, this image will be political powers, dominated by the US, backing up the Ecumenical unification of religious powers (Revelation 17:12, 13 says that the kings of the earth will give their power and authority to the beast, so it will not be just the US political power).  Combined, these political and religious powers resemble, or mirror, the works and the powers of the Catholic Church during her 1260-year reign from 538 CE to 1798 CE.  So what we will see is an unholy trinity, a joining of politics, Protestantism and Catholicism.