Showing posts with label Jonah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jonah. Show all posts

Saturday 5 October 2019

God's Questions to Us.

Over the years of reading the Bible, I’ve come to appreciate the questions God has asked people. His questions are always deep with meaning and sometimes a call to repentance. I like that he asks people to explain themselves to him. The questions make them either make excuses or say they are sorry.

When man first sinned, God gave him the chance to explain himself. The Bible says, “Then the LORD God called to the man, “Where are you?”  and later, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?"   Genesis 3:9

Instead of repenting, Adam and Eve blamed each other and the serpent. But God was merciful to them. The next person God questioned was Cain.

Then the LORD said to Cain, "Where is your brother Abel?" "I don't know," he replied. "Am I my brother's keeper?"   Genesis 4:9

God gave Cain a chance to tell him what he had done and repent. He didn’t, in fact, he was flippant about it. This was the first human death and it was a murder. God gave him a punishment, but when Cain complained about it, God helped him.

Moses didn’t want to go back to Egypt to bring God’s people out of slavery. He made many excuses, and one of them was that he was not an eloquent speaker. God wouldn’t accept any of his excuses and asked him this:

Then the LORD said to him, “Who has made man’s mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the LORD?   Exodus 4:11  God is telling him to trust him because he is the mighty God who can do anything.

Balaam was a prophet of God. But as Israel was coming into the promised land, King Balak of Midian, asked him to come and curse the Israelites. He was afraid of them because he knew they were coming to take his land. When the messengers came to ask Balaam to do this he said he would ask God what to do. God told him, “No.”  The men went and told the king his answer, but he sent them again with more money. Balaam told them to stay another night and he would ask again.

And God came to Balaam and said, “Who are these men with you?”   Numbers 22:9
Balaam explained and God gave an answer Balaam didn’t like. He ended up chasing the messengers and going to King Balak. His heart had become greedy.

Job, the man of God who suffered the loss of all things, questioned God. He didn’t understand why God was letting all these terrible things happen to him. God’s question is a stark one.

“Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding. Job 38:4

This was a question to make Job think about whom he was questioning. God is Almighty, all-knowing, all-seeing. Can we humans make a flower out of nothing? No. But God can. Look at the vastness of the universe. Look at what God can do and what he has made. Study the human body and how it works and you will be in awe.

We may not like this question and answer of God’s; but that’s too bad. Lol.

Jonah was the prophet God sent to the wicked city of Ninevah. They were a brutal nation, killing thousands of people to take their lands. God told Jonah to go there and tell them he was going to destroy them. Jonah didn’t want to and ran away, but later he went since God wouldn’t let him get away with that.

The people of Ninevah repented! How wonderful! Jonah should have been happy, but he wasn’t. He probably hated these people and also thought he might be considered a false prophet. God asked him a question to teach him compassion:

“And should not I pity Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than 120,000 persons who do not know their right hand from their left (this means children), and also much cattle?”  Jonah 4:11

Elijah was one of the greatest prophets in the Bible. But he ran away in fear when Queen Jezebel threatened him with death. He was in the wilderness and tired and asked God to take his life. Instead, God sent an angel to give him food, water and comfort. Elijah was wandering in the wilderness for 40 days.

There he came to a cave and lodged in it. And behold, the word of the LORD came to him, and he said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”   1 Kings 19:9  I love this question. Elijah told God about all his troubles. But God told him he still had many people in Israel who still worshiped him. He told Elijah to go back, and he did. Eventually, he was taken to heaven in a chariot of fire. Good old Elijah.

These are some of God’s questions in the Old Testament. I’m going to continue next post about the questions Jesus asked of People.

Thursday 28 January 2016

Running Away from Home.

Who am I?

I'm a runner.

I'm 65 years old and I'm learning things about aging that aren't pleasant. Along with the physical problems comes the emotional ones. I think I have done a good job in facing this last leg of my journey with God; well, I haven't, but God has. He has shown me a lot about myself. He can do that when you have lots of time on your hands.

One thing I've learned lately is that living in the same city for over 35 years can be hard when you are older. Everywhere I go there are memories, memories of doing things with my children and grandchildren. Happy memories and sad memories. Whether happy or sad, the memories brought tears to my eyes today. I was out and about today, which is kind of rare for me, and everywhere I turned I saw the grandchildren I love so much.

When I got home, I said to my husband, "I wish we could move away for our retirement. I'd like to be somewhere new." I explained to him why I felt this way, but he reminded me we need to be near his doctors and hospital. We do need to be near a hospital, but Vancouver has a good one. The problem with Vancouver is that is where I babysat my grandsons. Happy and sad memories there too.

I realized tonight it is just me being me again. Always wanting to run away from pain; thinking I can find relief in a change of scenery. Running away instead of running to God.

Years ago, when I had a mental breakdown, I ran off to stay at my sister's place near Las Vegas. I ended up staying there for 3 months. It was a nice rest, but the same problems were there when I went home. After that, we would all joke about me "going Vegas" when I was depressed. Yes, there was that possibility! At least I had somewhere fun to go!

Who is God?

Someone who is used to having people run away.

Adam and Eve ran away and hid from God. I think God has an advantage in the game of hide & seek, so of course God sought them out and found them.

Jonah ran away, but God wouldn't let him go. For some unknown reason, God wanted Jonah to preach to and save some sinners. Sinners whom Jonah hated! And I guess that's why God chose him. God has a good sense of humor, and he will do some strange stuff to help us learn to love.

Elijah ran away because he was afraid of dying. God ran after him; he gave him food, water and rest until Elijah was ready to talk things out.

All of Jesus' friends ran away when Jesus was arrested because they were afraid they would be arrested too. But Jesus told them beforehand it would happen so they wouldn't be too ashamed or discouraged. Then, when they didn't believe the women who told them Jesus rose from the dead, Jesus sought them out and entered the room where they met each day.

God is pretty humble. He runs after us every time. He's pretty patient and loving too. I'm so glad we have a God like that. One who will chase after us and maybe say something like he said to Elijah, "Why are you here?"